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What means the opts attribute in Test-Kitchen commands?

I am using Test-Kitchen for my integration test and I have a few doubts about the Kitchen command specificaly about the opts attribute

It is the kitchen commands.

  kitchen console                          # Kitchen Console!
  kitchen converge [(all|<REGEX>)] [opts]  # Converge one or more instances
  kitchen create [(all|<REGEX>)] [opts]    # Create one or more instances
  kitchen destroy [(all|<REGEX>)] [opts]   # Destroy one or more instances
  kitchen diagnose [(all|<REGEX>)]         # Show computed diagnostic configuration
  kitchen driver                           # Driver subcommands
  kitchen driver create [NAME]             # Create a new Kitchen Driver gem project
  kitchen driver discover                  # Discover Test Kitchen drivers published on RubyGems
  kitchen driver help [COMMAND]            # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
  kitchen help [COMMAND]                   # Describe available commands or one specific command
  kitchen init                             # Adds some configuration to your cookbook so Kitchen can rock
  kitchen list [(all|<REGEX>)]             # List all instances
  kitchen login (['REGEX']|[INSTANCE])     # Log in to one instance
  kitchen setup [(all|<REGEX>)] [opts]     # Setup one or more instances
  kitchen test [all|<REGEX>)] [opts]       # Test one or more instances
  kitchen verify [(all|<REGEX>)] [opts]    # Verify one or more instances
  kitchen version 

Has anyone used for example kitchen converge [opts].

What kind of options can I use?


  • Run kitchen help converge - it will show you all the options. You can run kitchen help <command> for any command to get more information. The list of options varies by command.

    For example:

    kitchen converge --concurrency 5 --parallel