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Yii Clistview only print once

I want to echo a div only once in a Clistview, the items are order by status, so, i want to print status 1 -> all the items, and then status 2 -> all the items with that status, I tried viewData, but I dont know how to change the value of the flag.


<div class="modal-body">
            $activos_flag = 1;
            $inactivos_flag = 1;
            $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CListView', array(
                'viewData'=> array('activo'=> $activos_flag,'inactivo'=>$inactivos_flag),


    if ($data->activo == 1 and $data->incidencia_estado == 1){
        echo ('<label class="incidencias">ACTIVOS</label>');
        $data->activo = 0;
    if ($data->inactivo == 1 and $data->incidencia_estado == 0){
        echo ('<label class="incidencias">INACTIVOS</label>');
        $data->inactivo = 0;


  • You need to get the value not from the array $data ($data->inactivo) but directly from a variable $inactivo. But in any case, at each iteration, the value of these variables will again be equal to 1. In this case, you can use the following approach: Before widget declaration:


    and in parial view:

    if ( Yii::app()->params['activos_flag'] == 1 ){
        echo ('<label class="incidencias">ACTIVOS</label>');
        Yii::app()->params['activos_flag'] = 0;
    if ( Yii::app()->params['inactivos_flag'] == 1 ){
        echo ('<label class="incidencias">INACTIVOS</label>');
        Yii::app()->params['inactivos_flag'] = 0;