I am having an interesting problem with my deployment of a kendo-ui scheduler to Windows Azure. When I create a new event it correctly calls the Create action on my controller. The difference comes in the Start and End times when I deploy to an Azure instance. My client browser is running in Eastern time (EST) while Azure is running in UTC time. My research tells me the scheduler converts the Start/End times from the client time to UTC before sending to the server. That is not happening for me. I am getting the local time sent with a UTC "kind". For example, if I create an event at 5pm on my local browser on Eastern time it arrives at Azure with a UTC time of 5pm instead of a UTC time of 10pm. When I run the server locally it correctly sends the start time as 10pm in UTC.
I have tried many things with no luck. Including setting the Timezone of the scheduler to the timezone of the client.
@(Html.Kendo().Scheduler() .Timezone((string)ViewBag.TimeZone)
Is there some setting or an elegant solution that I have missed in the documentation and other postings here?
Any responses appreciated!
Maybe this will be helpful -> http://www.telerik.com/support/code-library/using-utc-time-on-both-client-and-server-sides