I'm trying to implement a custom class including the comparable mixin. Later the class is used to do a diff. The class looks like
class Element
include Comparable
attr_reader :name
def initialize(name)
@name = name
def <=>(other)
@name <=> other.name
Now some test values with two added entries compared to a.
a = Array.new
b = Array.new
a.push Element.new('y1')
a.push Element.new('y2')
a.push Element.new('y4')
a.push Element.new('x1')
a.push Element.new('x2')
a.push Element.new('x4')
b.push Element.new('y1')
b.push Element.new('y2')
b.push Element.new('y3')
b.push Element.new('y4')
b.push Element.new('x1')
b.push Element.new('x2')
b.push Element.new('x3')
b.push Element.new('x4')
And now run diff between both arrays
puts Diff::LCS.diff(a, b).inspect
I would expect two added objects now but it finds 8 changes... Any ideas why?
[[["-", 2, #<Element:0x007fa9fb567898 @name="y4">],
["-", 3, #<Element:0x007fa9fbc69830 @name="x1">],
["-", 4, #<Element:0x007fa9fbca3378 @name="x2">],
["+", 2, #<Element:0x007fa9fb5e5e78 @name="y3">],
["+", 3, #<Element:0x007fa9fb606920 @name="y4">],
["+", 4, #<Element:0x007fa9fb625848 @name="x1">],
["+", 5, #<Element:0x007fa9fb647da8 @name="x2">],
["+", 6, #<Element:0x007fa9fbde8670 @name="x3">]]]
If we run the test with
a = Array.new
b = Array.new
a.push 'y1'
a.push 'y2'
a.push 'y4'
a.push 'x1'
a.push 'x2'
a.push 'x4'
b.push 'y1'
b.push 'y2'
b.push 'y3'
b.push 'y4'
b.push 'x1'
b.push 'x2'
b.push 'x3'
b.push 'x4'
Everything works as expected:
[[["+", 2, "y3"]],
[["+", 6, "x3"]]]
Inspecting from source of Diff::LCS
, the elements in sequences are used as hash key.
The Element
class you wrote mixed the Comparable module, it got the ==
method there. However, it doesn't have eql?
and hash
method override, which is used by the Hash
to determine the key comparison.
With you Element
class, we have
irb(main):013:0> a = Element.new("a")
=> #<Element:0x002ae4ce402da0 @name="a">
irb(main):014:0> b = Element.new("a")
=> #<Element:0x002ae4ce409ec0 @name="a">
irb(main):015:0> a == b
=> true
irb(main):016:0> a.eql? b
=> false
irb(main):017:0> a.hash == b.hash
=> false
irb(main):018:0> h = {}
=> {}
irb(main):019:0> h[a] = 1
=> 1
irb(main):020:0> h[b]
=> nil
This affects the LCS calculation.
The fix is to add the eql?
and hash
method for the Element
class, I think.
class Element
include Comparable
attr_reader :name
def initialize(name)
@name = name
def <=>(other)
@name <=> other.name
def eql? other
other.class == Element and self.name == other.name
def hash
@name.hash ^ Element.hash