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Threads sitting idle = bad?

I want to support around 10,000 simultaneous HTTP clients on a small cluster of machines (as small as possible). I'd like to keep a connection to each client alive while the user is using the application, to allow the server to push updates.

I believe that async IO is often recommended for these kinds of long-lived connections, to avoid having lots of threads sitting idle. But what are the issues in having threads sitting idle? I find the threaded model mentally easier to work with, but I don't want to do something that is going to cause me major headaches. I guess I'll have to experiment, but I wondered if anyone knows of any previous experiments along these lines?


  • Asynchronous I/O basically means that your application does most of the thread scheduling. Instead of letting the OS randomly suspend your thread and schedule another one, you have only as many threads as there are CPU cores and yield to other tasks at the most appropriate points—when the thread reaches an I/O operation, which will take some time.

    The above seems like a clear win from the performance standpoint, but the asynchronous programming model is much more complex in several regards:

    1. it can't be expressed as a single function call so the workflow is not obvious, especially when transfer of control flow due to exceptions is considered;
    2. without specifically targetted support from the programming language the idioms are very messy: spaghetti code and/or extremely weak signal-to-noise ratio are the norm;
    3. mostly due to 1. above debugging is much more difficult as the stack trace does not represent the progress within a unit of work as a whole;
    4. execution jumps from thread to thread within a pool (or even several pools, where each layer of abstraction has its own) so profiling and monitoring with the usual tools is rendered virtually useless.

    On the other hand, many favorable improvements and optimizations have happened to the modern OS's which mostly eliminate the performance downsides of synchronous I/O programming:

    • the address space is huge, so space reserved for stacks isn't a problem;
    • the actual physical RAM load of call stacks is not very large as only the part of the stack actually used by a thread is committed to RAM, and a call stack doesn't normally exceed 64K;
    • context switching, which used to be prohibitively expensive for larger thread counts, has been improved to the point where its overhead is negligible for all practical purposes.

    A classical paper going through much of the above and some other points is a good complement to what I am saying here: