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What is the name of the function, which does the opposite to HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode?

I need to evaluate escape sequences on the string. To escape the string, HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode or something similar was used. How do I do the opposite transformation?

Here's an example:

        var s = @"otehu""oeuhnoa
        var t = HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(s);
        var n = Decode(t);

i need such function Decode, which would make n == s;


  • I found this function posted on another forum:

    public static string JavaScriptStringDecode(string source)
        // Replace some chars.
        var decoded = source.Replace(@"\'", "'")
                    .Replace(@"\""", @"""")
                    .Replace(@"\/", "/")
                    .Replace(@"\\", @"\")
                    .Replace(@"\t", "\t")
                    .Replace(@"\n", "\n");
        // Replace unicode escaped text.
        var rx = new Regex(@"\\[uU]([0-9A-F]{4})");
        decoded = rx.Replace(decoded, match => ((char)Int32.Parse(match.Value.Substring(2), NumberStyles.HexNumber))
        return decoded;

    And it worked for me