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How to identify inside screen resolution the multiple display that is enabled?

I've searched all over Google but found no answer, so If someone knows It would be very thankful!

I want to use command line or some WinApi to check the state of the multiple display. For example : If I set : "extended screen" or "duplicate screen" I want to be able to verify it. Just have no idea where to start.

thanks a lot


  • I would start with the WinAPI EnumDisplayMonitors function:

    BOOL EnumDisplayMonitors(
      _In_  HDC hdc,
      _In_  LPCRECT lprcClip,
      _In_  MONITORENUMPROC lpfnEnum,
      _In_  LPARAM dwData

    You need to call this function setting the first 2 parameters to NULL like this:

    EnumDisplayMonitors(NULL, NULL, MyPaintEnumProc, 0);
    //Enumerates all display monitors.
    //The callback function receives a NULL HDC.

    Now you have your MonitorEnumProc callback function:

    BOOL CALLBACK MonitorEnumProc(
      _In_  HMONITOR hMonitor,
      _In_  HDC hdcMonitor,
      _In_  LPRECT lprcMonitor,
      _In_  LPARAM dwData

    You wiil get filled lprcMonitor back:

    A pointer to a RECT structure. If hdcMonitor is non-NULL, this rectangle is the intersection of the clipping area of the device context identified by hdcMonitor and the display monitor rectangle. The rectangle coordinates are device-context coordinates.

    If hdcMonitor is NULL, this rectangle is the display monitor rectangle. The rectangle coordinates are virtual-screen coordinates.

    Based on this values for ALL monitors you can decide whether you have an extended mode (the rects are different) or the duplicate (they are equal).

    HTH - good luck!