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Router with base64 generated param

I am trying to send a parameter after convert it to the base 64 the definition of the geddy.js route :


In the client side, javascript, I generate a base64 json data var jsonb64 = btoa(JSON.stringify(params)); after that I call the url that will somthing like this

I got Error: 404 Not Found.. But If I delete manually the = from the end of data that work


  • Solved by the community in the git repos issues as Kieran said

    I looked into adding support for base64 encoded vars to Barista directly, but some characters in the b64 spec are reserved in the URI spec. I don't feel comfortable making that the default behaviour.

    However! You can simply override the behaviour to support this use case:

    .get( routing_prefix+'/gogetthecart/:data')
      data: /[\w\-\/+]+={0,2}/ // base64-safe regex condition

    and that should do the trick!

    I added a test here: