Is it possible to use nsISelectionController to watch when a a highlight/selection is made?
I know that there are different selection scopes. I want to watch when a user makes a selection in the default scope seen at MXR - nsISelectionController Constants.
Kind of like an addEventListener on select change but on the text nodes of the document.
I found a solution but it doesn't use nsIController as @Neil had recommended in a SO topic HERE to look at viewSource.js.
Im still interested in a nsIController solution if possible, im trying to understand that sucker it confuses me.
So this is how you observer for a selection:
var mylis = {
timeout: 0,
notifySelectionChanged: function(doc, sel, reason)
if (!this.timeout) {
this.timeout = setTimeout(function() {
mylis.timeout = 0;
}, 1000);
the timeout is important because otherwise it will slow down the browser thread. you can see as you highlight its all gimicky. viewSource.js used 100ms so I would reocmmend that.