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Stream linux cut line by line

I'd like to pass lines through cut line-by-line (much like egrep --line-buffered). How can I do this? [awk, sed, perl solutions welcome, just please keep them short. :)]


  • If you just want to emulate the function of cut in a loop in UNIX (which can be quite slow), you can use awk's substr function.

    e.g., say you have a text file (lines.txt) that's arranged like this:

    line1: the first line
    line2: the second line
    line3: the third line
    line4: the fourth line
    line5: the fifth line

    With this one-liner, where 8 is the index of the character you want to start printing each the line from:

    awk '{ print substr($0,8) }' lines.txt

    This is the result:

    the first line
    the second line
    the third line
    the fourth line
    the fifth line

    If you have a specific word or regexp to remove, you can feed it into awk as a field separator and then print the portion of the line that comes after the portion you would like removed:

    For example, this one-liner:

    awk 'BEGIN { FS=": " } { print $2 }' lines.txt

    Would also print out:

    the first line
    the second line
    the third line
    the fourth line
    the fifth line

    Because you can exploit the fact that each line contains a semicolon followed by a space (": ") to divide the line into two parts. Then you simply tell awk to print the second part (i.e. field) of each line (print $2).