I have a matrix and a vector in MATLAB defined:
And a function that takes these types of input arguments:
b = MacVecProd(A,x);
However, I'd like to use this function's function handle in order to apply it to my values. I thought that I could use cellfun
for this, but:
v = {A,x};
cellfun(@MatVecProd_a, v{:})
Gives the error:
Error using cellfun
Input #2 expected to be a cell array, was double instead.
How do I do this correctly?
You could define your own, special function to call anonymous functions with given parameters, e.g.:
% define special function to call function handles
myfuncall = @(fh, v) fh(v{:});
% execute MacVecProd using myfuncall
b = myfuncall(@MacVecProd, v)
Based on your comment that you have array of functions and you want to execute them for your input arguments, you could do as follows:
% cell array of function handles
myFunctioins = {@MacVecProd, @MacVecProd2, @MacVecProd3};
% execute each function with v parameters
% I assume you want to execute them for the same input v
resultCell = cellfun(@(fh) fh(v{:}), myFunctioins, 'UniformOutput', 0);