I am developing a webpage and I wanted to know how to go about making animations based on where the page currently is.
What I mean is that : for example, the Markup below
<div id = "header">
<p> header content goes here</p>
<div id = "content">
<div id = "first">
<p>when I sroll into this region I want the background to darken up(and information appears) and an arrow to appear at the bottom showing prompting to scroll down</p>
<div id = "second">
<p>when I sroll into this region I want the navbar to to change appearace and display info relative to that div only </p>
<div id = "third">
<p>when I scroll into this region I want a another effect to occur</p>
<div id = "footer">
<p>footer content goes here</p>
if the web page loads and I scroll into each of the three divs in the then i want to have a defined effect in action. How do I do I go about that in JavaScript(Jquery)? or if anyone knows of any good sources where i can learn this technique i will love to know
Thank you all
I had a similar issue recently. I found the free and open-source divPeek library to be excellent.
No need to reinvent the wheel, especially if it has already been invented! :)