I'm trying to analyse weather information to practice my R skills but i'm a bit stuck. i have a data frame wit the Columns Temp, Day and month. Now i need try to plot the data frame with the days on the X-axis and the temp on the Y axis and the month should determine which shape/colour the dot gets( so month 5 is red, month 6 is green. etc). i searched Stack Overfow for the answer and tried some of the code but didn't work out very well.
i tried for instance:
set.seed(1); plot(x$Day, x$Temp, pch=paste(5:9)) but gave me random numbers on the chart ( sorry can't upload image, reputation is too low ...)
as i set the numbers in paste to 1:5 all the numbers in the plot changed so i think that puts in a random number (?). the factor is:
f <- factor(m)
with m as the months (5:9)
Day Temp Month
20 20 62 5
21 21 59 5
22 22 73 5
23 23 61 5
24 24 61 5
25 25 57 5
26 26 58 5
27 27 57 5
28 28 67 5
29 29 81 5
30 30 79 5
31 31 76 5
32 1 78 6
33 2 74 6
34 3 67 6
35 4 84 6
36 5 85 6
37 6 79 6
38 7 82 6
39 8 87 6
40 9 90 6
41 10 87 6
42 11 93 6
43 12 92 6
44 13 82 6
45 14 80 6
46 15 79 6
47 16 77 6
48 17 72 6
49 18 65 6
so the days in the plot with the month number 5 in the data frame need to have the number 5 in the plot, month number 6 days need number 6 in the plot and that for all 5 months.
in short: I'm trying to get different dots/ numbers for each month which is located in a factor.
How about:
d <- data.frame(x=rnorm(100),y=rnorm(100),m=sample(5:9,replace=TRUE))
pchvec <- as.character(5:9)
Or in a couple more steps, without the with()
m.ind <- as.numeric(factor(d$m))
pchvec2 <- pchvec[m.ind]
Or in your case just
should work.