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lisp clos accessor problems

I can't use the clos accessor functions when the class is in a list.

Say I have class a:

(defclass a ()
  ((a :accessor a
      :initarg :a)))

And I make 2 instances:

(defparameter b (make-instance 'a :a 1))
(defparameter c (make-instance 'a :a 2))

and then if I wanted to create a function that would get the a value for each of the instances while in a list i would do

(defun get-a (lst)
  (mapcar #'a lst))

and call it with

(get-a '(b c))

but I do that I get an error:

There is no applicable method for the generic function
when called with arguments
    [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]

And it also happens if instead of calling the accessor directly with mapcar, I call a function which contains the accessor. Also I've tried using loops and other things instead of mapcar.



  • If you read the error, you get the explanation.

    There is no applicable method for the generic function
    when called with arguments

    So you got a call, which is similar to (a 'b). But b is a symbol, not a CLOS instance.

    (b c) is a list of two symbols. You probably wanted to create a list of two CLOS instances. Use LIST to create a list with evaluated arguments.