I want different handlers to set different keys in the session without affecting each other. I'm working from this wiki article, which advises using assoc
. I thought I could use assoc-in
to update a path in the session.
(defn handler-one
(prn "Session before one" (:session request))
(-> (response "ONE")
(content-type "text/plain")
(#(assoc-in % [:session :key-one] "one"))))
(defn handler-two
(prn "Session before two" (:session request))
(-> (response "TWO")
(content-type "text/plain")
(#(assoc-in % [:session :key-two] "two"))))
If I call handler-one
repeatedly it prints Session before one {:key-one "one"}
and likewise handler-two
prints the previous session values.
By setting a session key using assoc-in
I would expect both keys to be set, i.e. {:key-one "one" :key-two "two"}
. But it appears that the entire session dictionary is replaced.
Am I doing this wrong?
You're printing the session in request, but you're assoc'ing on the (nonexistent) session in response so you end up with a session with only the last added property. You should get the session out of request, assoc into that and then return the new session as part of the response.