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How to concatenate arrays from cell arrays in Matlab

I am new to Matlab and was trying to concatenate array from cell arrays. I have done it as shown below.

S = load('input_file.mat');
c = struct2cell(S);
v = cell2mat(c(1,1));
temp = v(1:500,1:600);

v = cell2mat(c(3,1));
temp1 = v(1:500,1:600);

v = cell2mat(c(2,1));
temp2 = v(1:500,1:600);

v = cell2mat(c(4,1));
temp3 = v(1:500,1:600);

array1 = vertcat(temp,temp1);
array2 = vertcat(temp2,temp3);

But i guess there should be a better way or a direct function call which can get me the same result as i am getting from the code shown?


  • This is a very specific task, not very general, unless I'm missing the pattern. Starting after struct2cell:

    C3 = cellfun(@(x)x(1:500,1:600),c,'uni',0);
    array1 = vertcat(C3{[1 3]});
    array2 = vertcat(C3{[2 4]});

    Although, you could probably get rid of your initial structfun if you replace cellfun above with structfun, taking s as an input. It simply operates on each field.