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Rally - clone existing app

I'm trying to create a custom release burnup app for my group. There is an existing app called 'Release Burnup' in Rally, and based on the instructions for rally-app-builder I thought I would be able to clone this app as a starting point.

However, when I use the rally-app-builder clone RallyApps ReleaseBurnup command, it doesn't seem to do anything except change the title in the output html files to "Son of ReleaseBurnup". When I tried the same thing with the example from the github page (which uses rally-app-builder clone RallyApps StoryBoard) then it seems to be successfully cloning an app, with updates to the App.js file, etc.

I'm guessing that I might be using the wrong name to clone, but I'm not sure how to know what names are valid for this command to clone the app I want.


  • Unfortunately rally-app-builder clone functionality predates newer developments and the availability of source code of catalog apps from RallyApps/app-catalog, so it does not support drilling down those directories.

    clone RallyApps StoryBoard works because there is a StoryBoard app at that location. There is no ReleaseBurnup there. ReleaseBurnup code is not available.

    Here are the steps to build an app from javascript source files from GitHub app-catalog repository

    • Prerequisites:



    • Get the source to a local directory (you may either fork the app-catalog repo, or download zip from the same location):

    • in terminal, cd to the directory of the app you want to work on, and call this command:

      rally-app-builder build.

    As a result a deploy folder is created with App.html and App-uncompressed.html inside, and App-debug.html is created in the root folder of the app.

    These steps make sense only if you intent to customize the catalog app and want to use the source as basis. If you want to use a catalog app as it was designed, install the app directly from the AppCatalog as described in this help document.