I want to record web requests using fiddler of an iOS7 native app which using https protocol (with trusted certificates) to communicate with server.
I could able to record the requests and after Https decryption option disabled and its worked fine. When Https decryption option enabled app shows invalid/untrusted certifificate alert and cannot proceed even after installing fiddler certificate in iOS.
Question is,
Is there any way to record Https request/response of iOS7 app using fiddler by imitating any other certificate as trusted certificate or anyother way to do that? any suggestions? any other tools? I got another solution from here but it was not worked.
Thanks in advance
You need to use the Fiddler Certificate Maker add-on to generate certificates that iOS is willing to trust.
See http://blogs.telerik.com/fiddler/posts/12-12-21/using-fiddler-with-apple-ios-devices for more information.
Also keep in mind that some iOS applications (like the AppStore) use a technique called "Certificate Pinning" which means that you cannot decrypt their traffic seamlessly unless you jailbreak the device.