Search code examples

Sql 2008 R2 - Select Field name and Field values

Would like an T-SQL to do the following.

I would like to return the Field name and the Field data from a list of fields.

Let say I have a table called TableX which has fields ClientID, Surname, Firstname, Age, Sex. I only want to return ClientID, Surname and Firstname.

I want the following in a temp table to then scrutinize further

| Client ID   |  FieldName   |  FieldData |
| 1           |  Surname     |  "Smith"   |
| 1           |  Firstname   |  "Andrew"  |


  • You can use union like this:

    // drop the temp table if it exists
    drop table #temptable
    // use select...into to create a temporary table
    select * into #temptable from
        select ClientID, 'Surname' as FieldName,  surname as FieldData from YourTable
        union all
        select ClientID, 'Firstname' as FieldName,  firstname as FieldData from YourTable
    ) s
    // display the results...
    select * from #temptable

    The result will be this:

    ClientID    FieldName FieldData
    ----------- --------- --------------------
    1           Firstname Andrew
    1           Surname   Smith