Here are the details for what Picasa stores as a hash. It stores them like this:
Info on the web says this:
The number encased in rect64() is a 64-bit hexadecimal number.
So my code to turn that into a RectangleF works just fine (only keeping relative coordinates):
public static RectangleF GetRectangle(string hashstr)
UInt64 hash = UInt64.Parse(hashstr, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(hash);
UInt16 l16 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bytes, 6);
UInt16 t16 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bytes, 4);
UInt16 r16 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bytes, 2);
UInt16 b16 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bytes, 0);
float left = l16 / 65535.0F;
float top = t16 / 65535.0F;
float right = r16 / 65535.0F;
float bottom = b16 / 65535.0F;
return new RectangleF(left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
Now I have a RectangleF and I want to turn it back into the hash mentioned above. I can't seem to figure this out. It looks like picasa uses 2 bytes including precision, however a float in C# is 8 bytes, and even BitConverter.ToSingle is 4 bytes.
Any help appreciated.
EDIT: Here is what I have right now
public static string HashFromRectangle(RectangleCoordinates rect)
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3}", rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Right, rect.Bottom);
UInt16 left = Convert.ToUInt16((float)rect.Left * 65535.0F);
UInt16 top = Convert.ToUInt16((float)rect.Top * 65535.0F);
UInt16 right = Convert.ToUInt16((float)rect.Right * 65535.0F);
UInt16 bottom = Convert.ToUInt16((float)rect.Bottom * 65535.0F);
byte[] lb = BitConverter.GetBytes(left);
byte[] tb = BitConverter.GetBytes(top);
byte[] rb = BitConverter.GetBytes(right);
byte[] bb = BitConverter.GetBytes(bottom);
byte[] barray = new byte[8];
barray[0] = lb[0];
barray[1] = lb[1];
barray[2] = tb[0];
barray[3] = tb[1];
barray[4] = rb[0];
barray[5] = rb[1];
barray[6] = bb[0];
barray[7] = bb[1];
return BitConverter.ToString(barray).Replace("-", "").ToLower();
Your current code is swapping the bytes of each coordinate. This is because BitConverter gives you the bytes in little endian order (i.e. the first byte in the array is the least significant byte). Swapping around your assignments as follows makes decoding and re-encoding give back the original hash.
barray[0] = lb[1];
barray[1] = lb[0];
barray[2] = tb[1];
barray[3] = tb[0];
barray[4] = rb[1];
barray[5] = rb[0];
barray[6] = bb[1];
barray[7] = bb[0];
That said, I think it's clearer to do the conversion using simple multiplies and adds. You can do a similar thing with the decoding of the hash string if you read it in as a single ulong
and subtract/divide. e.g. for the encoding:
public static ushort ToUShort(double coordinate)
double ratio = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(Math.Round(coordinate * 65535), 65535));
return (ushort)ratio;
public static string HashFromRectangle(Rect rect)
ulong left = ToUShort(rect.Left);
ulong top = ToUShort(rect.Top);
ulong right = ToUShort(rect.Right);
ulong bottom = ToUShort(rect.Bottom);
ulong hash = (((left * 65536) + top) * 65536 + right) * 65536 + bottom;
return hash.ToString("x");