To provide some context, I am trying to write a script which will take a text file with clearcase elements in it, and label all of those elements.
To generate the text file, I am basically using the following command:
cleartool find -a -nxn -ele "brtype(branchName)" -print > "textfile.txt"
Then I go through the text file and remove the elements I don't want to label. The last step would be to feed the text file into a script which would repeatedly call a cleartool command on each line of the file.
For all existing files/folders, I can run this command:
cleartool mklabel -rep "label_name" (element_path)
Where I run into trouble is with files that have been added to the branch. They print out to the text file in a format that isn't recognized by the "mklabel" command and I can't find a good way to parse them.
The format of the files is similar to the following:
In the past I have used this generic command we use at my company to blindly label all files in a branch:
cleartool find -all -branch "brtype(<branch>)" -version "version(.../<branch>/LATEST) && !version(.../<branch>/0)" -visible -exec "cleartool mklabel -rep <label_name> %CLEARCASE_XPN%"
But I only want to label about half the files on the branch I am using, and there are too many to label them individually. I am sure I am missing something obvious here. Does anyone know how I should change my find or mklabel command to accommodate the new files and folders?
That format "\original_folder_path@@\branch_name\version_number" is an extended pathname, and isn't reserved for "added file".
It is current rather for files listed by a cleartool find
, but not visible (directly accessible) in the view used by the cleartool find
You need to make sure to use a view which is set to select the LATEST from brname.
If you see extended pathnames in your cleartool find
, you can ignore them: they are not accessible by said view.
Or you could use a cleartool find -cview
, in order to limit the results to what you view is able to select and see.