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How to keep Passenger from handling Shibboleth.sso URLs

I have Apache + Passenger setup where Rails app is in the domain root. The Application will be protected by Shibboleth, but asking for


Returns 404 error from Rails.

If I remove Rails app from the DocumentRoot (rename the folder), then Shibboleth correctly provides me the Metadata, but again stops as soon as I restore the Rails app.

How to keep Passenger from handling that URL? Should I make it an alias to some place? Where?

EDIT: I also tried this, but it had no effect:

<Location /Shibboleth.sso>
  SetHandler shib


  • better way would be disabling Passenger for /Shibboleth.sso in Apache

    it should look like this:

        <Location /Shibboleth.sso>
                PassengerEnabled off
                Satisfy Any