I am trying to populate a dropdown list with quarter hour times. The key being the option value, and the value being the option text.
private function quarterHourTimes() {
$formatter = function ($time) {
return date('g:ia', $time);
$quarterHourSteps = range(25200, 68400, 900);
return array_map($formatter, $quarterHourSteps);
The problem is that the above function works, but does not seem to work as an associative array. Is there an elegant solution for this problem?
For the key, I wish to have the time in the following format date('H:i', $time);
e.g. array should look like this:
$times =
['07:00' => '7:00am'],
['07:15' => '7:15am'],
['07:30' => '7:30am'],
['07:45' => '7:45am'],
['08:00' => '8:00am'],
['08:15' => '8:15am'],
My Solution - Dump the array_map:
private function myQuarterHourTimes()
$quarterHourSteps = range(25200, 68400, 900);
$times = array();
foreach(range($quarterHourSteps as $time)
$times[date('H:i', $time)] = date('g:ia', $time);
return $times;
Your function can be easily replaced with:
$result = array_reduce(range(25200, 68400, 900), function(&$cur, $x)
$cur[date('H:i', $x)] = date('g:ia', $x);
return $cur;
}, []);
with result in associative array like this.