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Usage of maven-release-plugin in Jenkins with integrity (MKS) as Source Code Management

Please notice the second question in the end of this one!

I have got some trouble using Jenkins, the maven-release-plugin and integrity (using MKS) as source code Management (scm).

Well, I try to release my project from MKS via Jenkins to Sonartype Nexus. If I use "deploy" as maven goal within the maven-release-plugin, everything is fine and the release is deployed correct, BUT it is saved as a snapshot in Nexus.

To avoid this snapshot problem I decided to use the maven-release-plugin with release:perform. It should change the version number to a version without snapshot (like: 1.0.0), release it and add snapshot to the version number back again when the release was done. Version is increased also (like 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT).

But if I use "release:prepare" or "release:perform" as maven goals the output tells me:

[ERROR] No SCM URL was provided to perform the release from                 
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------     
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------     
[INFO] Total time: 24.405s     
[INFO] Finished at: Fri Feb 14 11:56:40 CET 2014     
[INFO] Final Memory: 10M/245M     
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------     
Waiting for Jenkins to finish collecting data     
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-release-plugin:2.0:perform    (default-cli) on project javatests-test04: No SCM URL was provided to perform the release from -> [Help 1]     
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.     
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.     
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:  
[ERROR] [Help 1]

After I searched a now for a long time but did not found the answer I needed I came up with the idea to open this new question.

I tried things like:

adding information to pom.xml but not even sure if maven realized it (did not know what the correct URL would be for me was or if I even have one so I didn't changed it)

original from this site:

   <connection>scm:git:[email protected]:user/project.git</connection>
   <url>scm:git:[email protected]:user/project.git</url>
   <developerConnection>scm:git:[email protected]:user/project.git</developerConnection>

my version:

   <connection>scm:integrity|myUser@myServer:7001|#p=d:/MKS/Tools/Tools.pj#s=Tests/Tests.pj#javatests-test04 </connection>
   <url>scm:git:[email protected]:user/project.git</url>

I changed the maven goal as a second try(same with -Dproject.scm.developerConnerction):

release:perform -DconnectionUrl=scm:integrity:myUser@myMksServer:7001|#p=d:/MKS/Tools/Tools.pj#s=Tests/Tests.pj#javatests-test04

but it leads to a new error:     
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
(default-cli) on project javatests-test04: The provider given in the
SCM URL could not be found: No such provider: 'integrity'.

I fact it works fine with "deploy" as maven goal, I am sure this is not the fault of wrong paths to project or to Sonartype Nexus.

Can anybody help me and/or tell me what my Maven goal should be like? Do I have th change things in the pom? in the master pom? I want the release statement work...


  • I found a workaround that worked for me: The plugin genreates some environment variables. Most of them are given and created automatic and one (IS_M2RELEASEBUILD) is editable in in the advanced settings of the option point "maven release build"

    My solution:

    1.) Check the "Maven release build" in the build environment to gain access to some values later.

    2.) Create a "Conditional Step (Single)" as a Pre Step AND as a Post Step

    2.1) Both should have a Boolean condition with a token: ${ENV,var="IS_M2RELEASEBUILD"}

    2.2) Both should have "call Maven goal" as build step.

    Goal for the pre step: *versions:set -DnewVersion=${MVN_RELEASE_VERSION}*

    Goal for the post step: *versions:set -DnewVersion=${MVN_DEV_VERSION}*

    The value of this variables are the same you enter when a release build is started.

    3.) As "normal" build step i simple call a maven goal with "compile"

    4.) Add Post-Build-Action: Integrity - CM Checkin with path to your MKS project and other options that are maybe needed here.

    5.) Finished! (Dont forget to set your Distribution options in your pom.xml to tell Jenkins and Maven where the release results should be saved)