I have a my mojolicious routes set up like this:
my $r = $self->routes;
my $users = $r->route('/users')->to(controller => 'controller-users');
$users->get('/select')->to( action => 'select' );
$users->get('/list')->to( action => 'list' );
Where my user controller is defined in Users.pm, called Project::Controller::Users. This all works fine and without any problems. However, I also have some controllers like UserGroups. These are defined in the same way, Project::Controller::UserGroups.
However, the line
my $users = $r->route('/users')->to(controller => 'controller-usergroups');
doesn't work for that. It keeps trying to find the controller Project::Controller::Usergroups, which doesn't exist. What's the correct syntax for camelcase for the "to"-method of Mojolicious' router?
Did you try:
my $users = $r->route('/users')->to(controller => 'controller-userGroups');
Can you try it like this:
my $users = $r->route('/users')->to(namespace=> 'Project::Controller::UserGroups', action => 'users');
Based on this: http://mojolicio.us/perldoc/Mojolicious/Guides/Routing#Route_to_class