I have table transaction table
create table TXN_HEADER
txn_id NUMBER(10) not null,
txn_Date date
product_id NUMBER(10),
company_id NUMBER(10),
dealer_id NUMBER(10),
tran_amt number(10,2)
The above table having foreign key references to product.product_id and company.company_id.
This table having 5m rows
txn_id NUMBER(10) not null,
txn_Date date
product_id NUMBER(10),
company_id NUMBER(10),
dealer_id NUMBER(10),
tran_amt number(10,2)
here also we have the same constraints , having foreign key references to product.product_id and company.company_id.
in schema 2 we are trying to insert all the rows from schemea 1 to schema 2 in one shot, like this
insert into TXN_HEADER_REPORTS (
txn_id, txn_Date ,product_id,company_id , dealer_id , tran_amt)
txn_id, txn_Date ,product_id,company_id , dealer_id , tran_amt
from schema1.TXN_HEADER;
when others then
< ... procedure to log the errors >
now we are trying to execute the above procedure , and it failed due to foreign key constraint of one rows. But entire my transaction rollback. Actually i dont want to use cursor to process the rows one by one , at it takes long time. So i used to "insert into .. SElect from " but due to constraints of 1 row all my transaction not moved to schema2.txn_Extract_hdr.
Is there any way to trap only that failed and to process the other rows without terminating
Please advice ..
You can create an error log table, and then use a single insert:
exec dbms_errlog.create_error_log(dml_table_name => 'TXN_HEADER_REPORTS');
insert into TXN_HEADER_REPORTS ( txn_id, txn_Date ,product_id,company_id ,
dealer_id , tran_amt)
select txn_id, txn_Date ,product_id,company_id , dealer_id , tran_amt
from schema1.TXN_HEADER
log errors into ERR$_TXN_HEADER_REPORTS reject limit unlimited;
Any rows that can't inserted will be recorded in the ERR
table. Note that this is plain SQL, it doesn't need to be in a PL/SQL block.