How to convert the scientific Notation in to Double..
Please kindly refer the image For your reference
on the header column i want to display the original "-" or "+" value i want to display not scientific notation how can i do this?
Coding Part
private void clearAndLoadTree(AccountDetails account, TreeListNode parentNode)
populateTree(account, parentNode);
private double populateTree(AccountDetails account, TreeListNode parentNode)
ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
TreeListNode currentNode = addNode(account, parentNode);
AccountDetails[] children = account.children;
double lcValue = account.lcValue;
if (children != null)
foreach (AccountDetails subAccount in children)
lcValue += populateTree(subAccount, currentNode);
currentNode.SetValue("lcValue", lcValue);
return lcValue;
private TreeListNode addNode(AccountDetails account, TreeListNode parentNode)
TreeListNode node = treeAccount.AppendNode(null, parentNode);
return node;
This will do it.
Double.Parse("-1.668E-04", NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
sorry misunderstod you a little there. The above does not work on larger numbers so then you need to do this instead.
var s = Double.Parse("-9.09494701772928E-13", NumberStyles.Float,CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
var b = s.ToString("F50").TrimEnd("0".ToCharArray());
string c = s.ToString("F50").TrimEnd('0')