I have a working screensaver and would like to figure out how I can control the name Windows displays in the screensaver drop down list. Currently it all seems to be based on the filename but I know that can't be the case. Here's what I've tried and the results:
Filename: CC.Votd.scr
ScreenSaver Name: Cc
Filename: CC Votd.scr
ScreenSaver Name: Cc Votd
I'd like to have the file be named CC.Votd.scr
and have the screensaver name display as CC.Votd
(capitalization is important to me so even CC Votd
would be ok :-))
I'm pretty sure this is possible because the Photos
screensaver is PhotoScreensaver.scr
Thanks in advance for your help.
This thread has the answer:
I figured out I needed that String Table, I just didn't know how to add that native resource to my assembly. To add this String Table, I had to convert my VS2003 solution to a VS2005 solution, because VS2003 doesn't allow to add native resources to your project. Below you'll find a modified (by me) copy of what you pointed me to. How to add a nice looking title to your screen saver (The one that comes up in the dropdown list on the Screen Saver tab in Display Properties) original source: http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=77460&SiteID=1 modified steps:
1. In Visual Studio, choose File -> New -> File
2. Under the General node, select Native Resource Template and click Open
3. In the Designer window, right-click the ResTempl1.rct node and click Add Resource
4. In the Add Resource dialog, select String Table and click New
5. Modify the first record so it has the following values: ID: , Value: 1, Caption: My Screen Saver Title
6. Choose File -> Save As, change Save as type to 32-bit Resource File and save the file to a location that you will remember
7. In Solution Explorer, right-click the Project node you want to change the Product Version of and click Properties
8. In the Application tab, check Resource File and click ...
9. Browse to the native resource file you created above and click OK
10. Rebuild your projectYour assembly should now reflect the values contained in the resource file. Note: If you had an Icon in your application, you'll now have to add this manually to the native resource file. This is because the Project Properties allow you to either choose "Icon" or "Resource File", not both. So to add an Icon to your application, add it to the just created native Resource File, just like you added the String Table.