Hi can someone help me understand how the stackoverflow question's code area works(technically).
I mean the way it formats the text as it indent the text.
example: without indentation
example: with indentation ( text background color and font has changed)
can someone explain me the technology behind this. I am new to programming, is this something hard to implement. How can we implement this kind of formatting depending on the indentation of the text.
One approach could be to loop through each line of text in a string, and group them by indentation level into sections:
var leadingSpaces = /^\s*/;
blockOfText = blockOfText.replace(/\t/g, ' '); // replace tabs with 4 spaces
var lines = blockOfText.split('\n');
var sections = [];
var currentIndentLevel = null;
var currentSection = null;
lines.forEach(function(line) {
var indentLevel = leadingSpaces.exec(line)[0].length;
if (indentLevel !== currentIndentLevel) {
currentIndentLevel = indentLevel;
currentSection = { indentLevel: currentIndentLevel, lines: [] };
Then, once you have those sections, you can loop through them:
sections.forEach(function(section) {
switch (section.indentLevel) {
case 4:
// format as code
// etc.
// format as markdown