Statistics and R noob wondering if there is there a way to add p-values from a glm onto the end of the output resulting from the following command:
exp(cbind(OR = coef(mod1), confint(mod1)))
Perhaps something like:
I realise that this is somewhat of a 'cosmetic' issue but it would be handy nonetheless.
You can save the results of summary(mod1), and then access the coefficients table using coefficients
You can write a function that will do the whole process for you...
OR.summary <- function(x){
# get the summary
xs <- summary(x)
# and the confidence intervals for the coefficients
ci = confint(x)
# the table from the summary object
coefTable <- coefficients(xs)
# replace the Standard error / test statistic columns with the CI
coefTable[,2:3] <- ci
# rename appropriatly
colnames(coefTable)[2:3] <- colnames(ci)
# exponentiate the appropriate columns
coefTable[,1:3] <- exp(coefTable[,1:3])
# return the whole table....
A more robust approach would be to use a package like rms