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Is it possible to listen to any kind of internet radio with HTML5 directly?

Is it possible to listen to any kind of internet radio with HTML5 directly? I mean is it posible to play live mp3 streams in HTML5 complaint browsers?


  • Yes, it is.

    Take a look at the former specification of html5:

    There is a huge load of specialities about streaming in html5.

    And furthermore, take a look at this: - a whole html5 media server.


    Actually it's like impossible to stream live media. It's not that it'll stay impossible, but actually it isn't implemented at all - well none of the today's HTML5 browsers are going to support this in the next month's, because the real "live-stream", as known from flash (or equal) hasn't really been specified by the w3-committee - yet.

    2. EDIT

    As previous experiments showed, it may be possible to use streams without explicitly implement something specific for them. The "non"-stream way works on both streams and static files.