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Python2 __bases__ and super

In Python 2.7, I am trying to reconstruct AN inheritance chain from a certain class E to the root A. There is a diamond inheritance problem as shown below, but I am interested in a path, not THE path, so it should work. Whether it's something I should be doing (this way) is questionable, but right now I just want to know what I am misunderstanding...

class A(object):
    def supah(thisCls):
        return [cls for cls in thisCls.__bases__ if issubclass(cls, A)]
    def name(self):
        return 'A'

class C(A):
    def name(self):
        return 'C'

class D(A):
    def name(self):
        return 'D'

class E(C, D):
    def name(self):
        return 'E'

current = E
while True:
        print current, super(current, E()), super(current, E()).name()
    except AttributeError:
    current = current.supah()[0]

The output

<class '__main__.E'> <super: <class 'E'>, <E object>> C
<class '__main__.C'> <super: <class 'C'>, <E object>> D
<class '__main__.A'> <super: <class 'A'>, <E object>>

What is D doing there? It is calling

super(C, E()).name()

where super(C, E()) should be "class A", right? If the C on the first line had been an D I would have (sort of) understood, but in my mind the second line should definitely be an A.

Any help?

EDIT: My understanding was that calling

super(C, obj).name()

would result in the name "A", because the linearization of C is [C, A, object].

However, this is not what super(C, obj).name() means apparently. It still uses the full linearization of obj: [E, C, D, A, object] (thanks to @Martijn Pieters), it just starts at (after) C. Therefore D comes before A.


  • super() doesn't look at __bases__; it looks at the Method Resolution Order (MRO), through type(self).mro():

    >>> E.mro()
    [<class '__main__.E'>, <class '__main__.C'>, <class '__main__.D'>, <class '__main__.A'>, <type 'object'>]

    As you can see, D is in there, because it is a base class of E; when you call super(C, E()).name(), D comes next in the MRO.

    The MRO will always include all base classes in a hierarchy; you cannot build a class hierarchy where the MRO could not be established. This to prevent classes being skipped in a diamond inheritance pattern.

    How the MRO works is explained in detail in The Python 2.3 Method Resolution Order.

    You may also want to read Guido van Rossum's explanation; he uses a diamond pattern with:

    class A:
      def save(self): pass
    class B(A): pass
    class C(A):
      def save(self): pass
    class D(B, C): pass

    to illustrate why an MRO is important; when calling D().save() you'd want to be invoked (more specialized), not

    If you really wanted to skip D from, you'd have to explicitly find C.__bases__[0] in the MRO, then tell super() to start search for the next .name() method from there:

    mro = type(self).mro()
    preceding = mro[0]
    for i, cls in enumerate(mro[1:], 1):
        if cls in self.__bases__:
            preceding = mro[i - 1]
    name = super(preceding, self).name()

    For your E.mro() and class C, this'll find D, as it precedes the first base class of C, A. Calling super(D, self).name() then tells super() to find the first class past D with a name() method, which is A here.