I'm building a simple site that will only have a homepage and a contact page and wondered if I could use .htaccess to rewrite the urls for different companies.
So for example if I go to website.com/companyname-contact/ it will display that url in the browser bar but actually load a generic contact.php page, I can then use php to pull in the correct contact details for that specific companyname.
This would need to work for different company names (e.g. website.com/anothercompany-contact/) but only work for an array of approved company names.
I realise this may not be possible but I thought I'd ask because i spent about 4 hours this morning Googleing it with no real progress.
Unless you want to manually list the approved company names in your .htaccess file (which looks UGLY) I'd suggest this:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule (.*)-contact$ /contact.php?company_name=$1 [L,QSA,NC]
and then in your contact.php