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onLoadingComplete Universal Imageloader not called

I have to do some stuff immediately after image has been loaded. I am using SimpleImageLoadingListener to listen for callback methods, but strangely onLoadingComplete never gets called, but onLoadingStarted does. I have checked that there is no call to image loading fail or cancel methods - that means there is no error. Can anyone point out the reason and steps to correct it. Thanks.

 public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {

         ImageView img = new ImageView(mContext);
         img.setLayoutParams(new Gallery.LayoutParams(coverflowWidth, coverflowHeight));

        ImageLoader.getInstance().displayImage(imageURL, img, options,  new SimpleImageLoadingListener()

            boolean cacheFound;

            public void onLoadingStarted(String url, View view) {
                List<String> memCache = MemoryCacheUtil.findCacheKeysForImageUri(url, ImageLoader.getInstance().getMemoryCache());
                cacheFound = !memCache.isEmpty();
                if (!cacheFound) {
                    File discCache = DiscCacheUtil.findInCache(url, ImageLoader.getInstance().getDiscCache());
                    if (discCache != null) {
                        cacheFound = discCache.exists();

            public void onLoadingComplete(String imageUri, View view, Bitmap loadedImage) {

          //never gets called
                ImageView image = (ImageView) view;

                if (cacheFound) {



                    ImageLoader.getInstance().displayImage(imageURL, image, options, null);


     return img;



  • I was actually making request to load same image 2 times from different places. So onLoadingComplete was called for another code snippet, not for the one I mentioned above. Silly me... it was a stupid mistake.