I want to create Database.Esqueleto
queries dynamically based on data stored in the database (see DynamicQuery Database.Persist
entity in the code snippet below). The code below compiles but it is not very elegant because of repeated definitions (op
for Text field type, op2
for Day field type, and op3
for Bool
field type).
Is it possible to write a more general function similar to op
that could be used in all cases in the definition of expr
Trying to reuse op
for the Day field type where op2
is used results in the following error message:
Couldn't match expected type `Text' with actual type `Day'
Expected type: EntityField (ItemGeneric backend0) Text
Actual type: EntityField (ItemGeneric backend0) Day
In the second argument of `(^.)', namely `ItemInserted'
In the first argument of `op', namely `(mp ^. ItemInserted)'
The code snippet follows:
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
import Database.Esqueleto
import Database.Esqueleto.Internal.Sql
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Database.Persist.TH
import Database.Persist.Sqlite hiding ((==.), (!=.), (>=.), (<=.))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Enums
{- enumerated field types have to be in a separate module due to GHC
-- stage restriction. Enums.hs contains the following definitions:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Enums where
import Database.Persist.TH
data DynField = DynFieldName | DynFieldInserted | DynFieldActive deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
derivePersistField "DynField"
data SqlBinOp = SqlBinOpLike | SqlBinOpLtEq | SqlBinOpGtEq | SqlBinOpNotEq | SqlBinOpEq deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
derivePersistField "SqlBinOp"
share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateAll"] [persistLowerCase|
field DynField
op SqlBinOp
value Text
name Text
inserted Day
active Bool
safeRead :: forall a. Read a => Text -> Maybe a
safeRead s = case (reads $ T.unpack s) of
[(v,_)] -> Just v
_ -> Nothing
getItems dc = do
select $ from $ \mp -> do
where_ $ expr mp
return $ mp ^. ItemId
value = dynamicQueryValue dc
boolValue = case safeRead value of
Just b -> b
Nothing -> False
dateValue = case safeRead value of
Just dt -> dt
Nothing -> fromGregorian 1900 1 1
expr = \mp -> case dynamicQueryField dc of
DynFieldName -> (mp ^. ItemName) `op` val value
DynFieldInserted -> (mp ^. ItemInserted) `op2` val dateValue
DynFieldActive -> (mp ^. ItemActive) `op3` val boolValue
op = case dynamicQueryOp dc of
SqlBinOpEq -> (==.)
SqlBinOpNotEq -> (!=.)
SqlBinOpGtEq -> (>=.)
SqlBinOpLtEq -> (<=.)
SqlBinOpLike -> unsafeSqlBinOp " ILIKE "
op2 = case dynamicQueryOp dc of
SqlBinOpEq -> (==.)
SqlBinOpNotEq -> (!=.)
SqlBinOpGtEq -> (>=.)
SqlBinOpLtEq -> (<=.)
SqlBinOpLike -> unsafeSqlBinOp " ILIKE "
op3 = case dynamicQueryOp dc of
SqlBinOpEq -> (==.)
SqlBinOpNotEq -> (!=.)
SqlBinOpGtEq -> (>=.)
SqlBinOpLtEq -> (<=.)
SqlBinOpLike -> unsafeSqlBinOp " ILIKE "
main = runSqlite ":memory:" $ do
runMigration migrateAll
_ <- insert $ Item "item 1" (fromGregorian 2014 2 11) True
_ <- insert $ Item "item 2" (fromGregorian 2014 2 12) False
let dc = DynamicQuery DynFieldName SqlBinOpEq "item 1"
items <- getItems dc
liftIO $ print items
Using the operators you gave on your example, it's just a matter of providing an explicit type signature. The following works fine:
expr = \mp -> case dynamicQueryField dc of
DynFieldName -> (mp ^. ItemName) `op` val value
DynFieldInserted -> (mp ^. ItemInserted) `op` val dateValue
DynFieldActive -> (mp ^. ItemActive) `op` val boolValue
op :: PersistField a => SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value Bool)
op = case dynamicQueryOp dc of
SqlBinOpEq -> (==.)
SqlBinOpNotEq -> (!=.)
SqlBinOpGtEq -> (>=.)
SqlBinOpLtEq -> (<=.)
SqlBinOpLike -> unsafeSqlBinOp " ILIKE "
If any of the operators had more constraints on its arguments (e.g., Num a
), then the approach above would force the whole op
to have the union of all constraints.