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Creating a 'thermal image' using data points

I am looking for a way to represent some data points into a 'thermal map' (500x500).

Data array:

"data": [
       "x": 120,
       "y": 350,
       "temperature": 90
       "x": 300,
       "y": 210,
       "temperature": 35
       "x": 450,
       "y": 50,
       "temperature": 68

This array should be processed into something like this using CSS and Javascript: (Very roughly)

Rough sketch of the desired result

What would be the best way to approach this using Javascript and CSS?


    • To draw circles with gradient translucency, use radial gradients.
    • To position them, use position: absolute and left: x, top: y (make sure to omit the radius).

    Knowing these two CSS features, you can just iterate over the JSON, creating DOM–elements (div will do) and modifying their style property.


    data.forEach(function (point) {
        var div = document.createElement('div'); = generateGradient(point.temperature); = point.x - radius; = point.y - radius;

    The same is achievable with Canvas and SVG, but that's a longer story.