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Why Browser compatibility testing comes in NFR?

I am making a SRS and as per the research that I have done on Non Functional Requirements "Browser compatibility" testing comes in NFR . Please explain why we take "Browser compatibility" in NFR


  • You can read this link you can under stand, For functional testing we test each and every functionality(how the product should behave), non functional testing(HOW THE APPLICATION IS WORKING) we test load, its comes under NFR.

    Initial phase of compatibility testing is to define the set of environments or platforms the application is expected to work on.
    Tester should have enough knowledge on the platforms / software / hardware to understand the expected application behavior under different configurations.
    Environment needs to be set-up for testing with different platforms, devices, networks to check whether your application runs well under different configurations.
    Report the bugs .Fix the defects. Re-test to confirm defect fixing.