I am using this code in latest_content.tpl
file to get category name. But it is not displaying category name. How can I get category name in opencart.
$categories = $this->model_catalog_product->getCategories($product_id);
if ($categories)
$categories_info = $this->model_catalog_category->getCategory($categories[0]['category_id']);
$this->data['category_title'] = $categories_info['name'];
echo echo $category_title;
In catalog/controller/module/latest.php
, before $this->data['products'][] = array(
$categories = $this->model_catalog_product->getCategories($result['product_id']);
$categories_info = $this->model_catalog_category->getCategory($categories[0]['category_id']);
$category_title = $categories_info['name'];
$category_title = '';
Update $this->data['products'][]
array as below:
$this->data['products'][] = array(
'product_id' => $result['product_id'],
'category_title' => $category_title,
'thumb' => $image,
'name' => $result['name'],
'price' => $price,
'special' => $special,
'rating' => $rating,
'reviews' => sprintf($this->language->get('text_reviews'), (int)$result['reviews']),
'href' => $this->url->link('product/product', 'product_id=' . $result['product_id']),
Now in latest.tpl
, you'll get the category title as $product['category_title']
Additional information: - Model functions should be called within controllers. The variables defined $this->data['variable_name']
in controller can be accessed in template file as $variable_name
Have a niceday !!