How can I output values from variables from the workspace into a text file on MATLAB.
1)How do I get the output as below?
2)I have saved my features as "feature1...feature5"
3)Here is the output of the feature1
4)Here is the list of my features (features1..5 can be seen here)
Gather all feature variables into one variable and write to an ASCII delimited file.
Code -
feature = [feature1 feature2 feature3 feature4 feature5];
dlmwrite('myfile.txt', '', 'delimiter', '');
for c2 = 1:size(feature,1)
str1=[ num2str(median(feature(c2,:)))];
for c1 = 1:size(feature,2)
str1 =[str1 [' feature',num2str(c1),':' num2str(feature(c2,c1))] ];
dlmwrite('myfile.txt', str1, 'delimiter', '','-append');
The text file would look like this :
1 feature1:1 feature2:1 feature3:1 feature4:0 feature5:1
0 feature1:0 feature2:1 feature3:0 feature4:1 feature5:-1
0 feature1:1 feature2:0 feature3:0 feature4:1 feature5:-1
0 feature1:0 feature2:0 feature3:0 feature4:1 feature5:1
0 feature1:1 feature2:0 feature3:0 feature4:0 feature5:-1
1 feature1:1 feature2:0 feature3:1 feature4:1 feature5:1
0 feature1:0 feature2:0 feature3:0 feature4:1 feature5:-1
Please confirm if this is what you need!