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Parametrizing relationship depth Neo4jphp

I am new to Neo4j. I have the following query in which I tried to parametrize the depth value for the relationship and it shows an error, If I remove parametrizing the depth value it works perfectly.

 $query="MATCH (a:user{id:{usd}})-[:likes*1..{depth}]->(b:product{id:{pid}})
         return a";
 $result = new Everyman\Neo4j\Cypher\Query($client, $query,
           array('usd' => 1234,'depth' => 3,'pid'=>3456));

Please help, Thanks in advance


  • Your conclusion is correct and this is not a problem related to neo4jphp. Cypher does not allow you to parameterize the depth of a relationship. If your depth has to be dynamic, you'll have to build your query like this:

     $query="MATCH (a:user{id:{usd}})-[:likes*1.." . $depth . "]->(b:product{id:{pid}})
             return a"

    I'm not a PHP developer, so the syntax might not be 100% correct. But I guess the main idea is clear.