I have tried this code for my assignments, but I am getting error of type
??? Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.
This is my code:
for i = 5:200
eigvecm = eigvecm(:, end:-1:end-(int8(i)-1));
Please point me out how to get this done?
It sounds very much like end-(int8(i)-1)
ends up reaching zero or below. Check what is the value of i
when you get the error and compare this to how many columns eigvecm
BTW if you want the eigen vecotr corresponding to the ith largest eigen value how about this:
[vec, val] = eig(M);
[~, ind] = sort(diag(val), 'descend');
is the column number for the ith largest eigen value. So to find the corresponding eigen vector:
vec_i = vec(:, ind(i));