My Excel sheet is as below:
Id Name Status
3 BB
1 Yz
What I am trying to do is to write Checked
in the status column whose Id is 1 from my C# application.
I thought of doing this through Linq to Excel. But I am not getting anything positive in this direction.
Can anyone guide me properly.
You are out of luck here, as Linq-To-Excel does not write to spreadsheets (reference). The only option you have is to strongly type your queries, modifiy the results in memory and save them as a .csv to your harddisk - or use another 3rd party library to write the changes back to the excel file.
public class Demo
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Status { get; set; }
string pathToExcelFile = @"path\to\file.xslx";
string sheetName = "Tabelle1";
var excelFile = new ExcelQueryFactory(pathToExcelFile);
//strongly type the result
Demo rowToUpdate = (from xc in excelFile.Worksheet<Demo>(sheetName)
where xc.ID == 1
select xc).FirstOrDefault();
//update retrieved record
rowToUpdate.Status = "Active";
//output in linqpad
//no submitchanges or save method available :(