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applyImpulse towards CGPoint SpriteKit

I'm kind of a newb in SpriteKit, game dev, as a matter of fact I'm just learning. So I got to a point where I what to move a bunch of nodes towards a users tap location. So far I fought that I might calculate a virtual right triangle and get sin and cos of angles based on the sides. Unfortunately that left me with a very strong impulse that doesn't really consider the user tap location.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


  • Look up the shooting projectiles section in the tutorial by Ray Wenderlich here:

    Change the code from the tutorial as follows:

    -(void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
        // 1 - Choose one of the touches to work with
        UITouch * touch = [touches anyObject];
        CGPoint location = [touch locationInNode:self];
        // 2 - Set up initial location of projectile
        SKSpriteNode * projectile = [self childNodeWithName:@"desirednode"];
        //make projectile point to your desired node.
        // 3- Determine offset of location to projectile
        CGPoint offset = rwSub(location, projectile.position);
        // 4 - Bail out if you are shooting down or backwards. You can ignore this if required.
        if (offset.x <= 0) return;
        // 5 - OK to add now - we've double checked position
        [self addChild:projectile];
        // 6 - Get the direction of where to shoot
        CGPoint direction = rwNormalize(offset);
        // 7 - Make it shoot far enough to be guaranteed off screen
        float forceValue = 200; //Edit this value to get the desired force.
        CGPoint shootAmount = rwMult(direction, forceValue);
        //8 - Convert the point to a vector
        CGVector impulseVector = CGVectorMake(shootAmount.x, shootAmount.y);
        //This vector is the impulse you are looking for.
        //9 - Apply impulse to node.
        [projectile.physicsBody applyImpulse:impulseVector];

    The projectile object in the code represents your node. Also, you will need to edit the forceValue to get the desired impulse.