I am developing a Cordova plugin that depends on a large binary file (a custom ios framework) which can be larger than 300MB. That is too large to check into our git repository and I dont think that would be the right solution anyway.
However, I want the binary file to be there when user of the plugin first install it via Cordova command line:
cordova plugin install https://path.to.the.plugin.on.github
Cordova will automatically clone the git repository. What I am wondering is how to automatically download the binary file from another source such as S3 and place it in the correct location? Is this not possible?
What I am wondering is how to automatically download the binary file from another source such as S3 and place it in the correct location?
Not through git itself.
You could set up a post-checkout hook in order to take care of that step, but a hook isn't propagated through git push/pull
It is easier to store a script (in that git repo) that the user of that repo can call on demand in order to download/update that binary.