I am trying to use preg_replace_callback()
to call any function with its parameter(s) embedded in a string.
$string = "some text ucfirst('asd')";
$pattern = "~ucfirst([a-z]+)\(\)~";
$string = preg_replace_callback($pattern, "ucasef", $string);
echo $string; // some text Asd
I need some help with the pattern but also with how to use it to accomplish the example output.
This is how you may use it, I've added some comments to clarify the code:
$input = "some text ucfirst('name') and strtoupper (\"shout\" ). Maybe also make it strtolower( 'LOWER') or do('nothing').";
$pattern = '~
(\w+) # Match the function name and put it in group 1
\s*\(\s* # Some optional whitespaces around (
("|\') # Match either a double or single quote and put it in group 2
(.*?) # Match anything, ungreedy until ...
\2 # Match what was matched in group 2
\s*\) # Some optional whitespaces before )
~xs'; # XS modifiers, x to make this fancy formatting/commenting and s to match newlines with the dot "."
$output = preg_replace_callback($pattern, function($v){
$allowed = array('strtolower', 'strtoupper', 'ucfirst', 'ucwords'); // Allowed functions
if(in_array(strtolower($v[1]), $allowed)){ // Check if the function used is allowed
return call_user_func($v[1], $v[3]); // Use it
return $v[0]; // return the original value, you might use something else
}, $input);
echo $output;
Output: some text Name and SHOUT. Maybe also make it lower or do('nothing').