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How do I package a node web-kit app for publishing in mac app store?

I've searched a bit but can't find an existing tool for this.

how to package node web-kit project for mac osx and what steps to follow to distribute this app to mac app store.

Thanks in advance.


  • You should have a look at the Node-webkit generator for Yeoman:

    $ npm install -g yo
    $ npm install -g generator-node-webkit
    $ yo node-webkit

    This will give you a folder with a set of tools to package and test your app for Windows, Mac and Linux. Put your code on the app folder and run

    grunt dist-mac

    Next, sign up for a developer account at apple

    And once you're done, grab your app from the dist folder and submit it to Apple. The submission process may vary from the one for iOS, but you can find all the information on the Mac Dev Center.

    Good luck!