I'm not too sure if I'm going about this in the right way. I want to stick with my Socket.IO server, and do not want to create a separate HTTP server within node. With this, can I create a PHP client that can send data (e.g.: player buys item from online shop) to the node Socket.IO server directly?
I've started with this:
class communicator {
public function connect($address, $port){
$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
try {
socket_connect($socket, $address, $port);
} catch(Exception $e){
throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
throw new Exception('Could not create socket.');
The socket seems to connect just fine to the node server, but how can I start receiving data directly from the PHP client?
E.g.: Say I use socket_write
to send a message to the server. How do I get that through Socket.IO?
Hope my question makes sense!
im using http://elephant.io/ for comunication between php and socket.io, i have only problems with the time to stablish connection, 3 or 4 seconds to complete sending data.
require __DIR__ . '/ElephantIO/Client.php';
use ElephantIO\Client as ElephantIOClient;
$elephant = new ElephantIOClient('http://localhost:8080', 'socket.io', 1, false, true, true);
$elephant->emit('message', 'foo');