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Http Redirection code 3XX in python requests

I am trying to capture http status code 3XX/302 for a redirection url. But I cannot get it because it gives 200 status code.

Here is the code:

import requests
r = requests.get('')
print r.status_code

I suppose this should issue either 301 or 302 because it redirects to another page. I had tried few redirecting urls (for e.g. ) but again it is issuing the 200. What should be done to capture the redirection code properly?


  • requests handles redirects for you, see redirection and history.

    Set allow_redirects=False if you don't want requests to handle redirections, or you can inspect the redirection responses contained in the r.history list.


    >>> import requests
    >>> url = ''
    >>> params = {"status_code": 301, "url": ""}
    >>> r = requests.get(url, params=params)
    >>> r.history
    [<Response [301]>, <Response [302]>]
    >>> r.history[0].status_code
    >>> r.history[0].headers['Location']
    >>> r.url
    >>> r = requests.get(url, params=params, allow_redirects=False)
    >>> r.status_code
    >>> r.url

    So if allow_redirects is True, the redirects have been followed and the final response returned is the final page after following redirects. If allow_redirects is False, the first response is returned, even if it is a redirect.