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Determine if RPT schedule is runing using command line?

Anyone know if its possible to query a Rational Performance Tester 'Controller' from command line and determine if a schedule is executing?
I'm aware that you can query Agents using commands below, but if a RPT schedule fails for some reason the agent process usually continues to be active. Meaning, although a result is returned on Agent, the Controller may not be driving the workload.

[root@agent ~]# ps aux | grep [s]cheduleName
root     30000  4.2 11.4 2712004 949872 ?      Sl   13:17  13:46 java
-Xmx2500m -Xmn768m -Xscmx150m -Xgcpolicy:gencon 
-XX:UseThreadPriorities -DrptLocale=en_US
-cp /opt/IBM/SDP/Majordomo/lib/boot.jar


  • This has proven to be most effective:

    ps aux | grep [s]cheduleName