I have a problem with the TweenLite Tint Plugin in AS2. Is there a way to decrease the alpha color ?
For instance :
TweenLite.to ( mc, 1, { tint : 0x586AB4, blurFilter : { blurX : BLUR_FILTER, blurY : BLUR_FILTER }, dropShadowFilter : { blurX : BLUR_X, blurY : BLUR_Y, distance : SHADOW_DISTANCE, strength : SHADOW_STRENGTH, angle : SHADOW_ANGLE } } );
The "alpha" attribute must not be use because it only modifies the global movieclip "alpha".
Thanks in advance.
TintPlugin.as seems to ignore alpha.
Do you mean the tint's alpha ? as in the amount of tint ?
Would you get the result you want by using the ColorTransformPlugin with tint and tintAmount ?
TweenLite.to ( mc, 1, { colorTransform:{tint:0x586AB4, tintAmount:0.5},blurFilter : { blurX : BLUR_FILTER, blurY : BLUR_FILTER }, dropShadowFilter : { blurX : BLUR_X, blurY : BLUR_Y, distance : SHADOW_DISTANCE, strength : SHADOW_STRENGTH, angle : SHADOW_ANGLE } } );